Sunday, January 1, 2012

2011... over already?!

Apparently, I've been gone since around April/May... I just took a look back at my 2011 goals. How did I do?! (Without every looking at them again since the 1st quarter?!)

* Find a two hour time each week to have "me time". This could be sitting at a coffeeshop reading, or hiking by myself. I need this time.
Semi - Fail: I would do this occasionally but no where near the regularity that I need.
* Have a 1 hour a week check-in/organize for the week time. I also really need this time.
Semi - Fail: I would do this occasionally but no where near the regularity that I need. I'm trying to do it more with the business too, but it doesn't always happen.
* See friends an average of 2 times per week.
Fail: Depression slightly took ahold of me at times, and life was overwhelming. ::Sigh::
* Take my dogs hiking/long neighborhood jogs 1x/week
Semi - Fail: This would go up and down... I'd to great for a week or so, then stop. One dog hurt his doggy ACL so he's been sidelined as well.Healthy: 
This is going to be one of my big pushes this year...
* Set a PR in Austin Marathon on 2/20/11: 
Success: Did!!!  By 5 minutes, plus a 5min bathroom break!
* Run a sub 2:15 half on 4/16/2011
Success: Not on that date (I had to pull out of that race), but on one in January 2011!
* Set a PR on a half or full marathon after the above
Success: At the Nike's Women's Marathon I ran a new PR of just under 5:15... a 15 minute PR from February!
* Run a sub 55 min 10K
Fail: Only ran one 10K and ran/walked with a friend. 
* Run 1000 miles (trying again after last year's miserable fail)
Fail: Yeah... no excuse here. I'm going to keep trying for this one.
* At least one visit to NYC & Baltimore to visit family
Halfway - Due to a family death and a family wedding, I ended up in Baltimore 4 times instead of my usual 1 (if that). So I'll consider it a success even though I didn't make it to NYC. I did see my brother a few times in Baltimore and Cali. 
*Have intimate time with my guy at least 4 time a week... things get so busy and I need to make sure there is plenty of time for us.
Semi - Fail: Depression sidelined this one in the spring, but it is something I have really been working towards in the fall.* Read and follow through with a personal development book I have
Fail: Haha... I got through another chapter or two in my time management book!
* This isn't measurable at all, but just be more present in my relationship. I am bad about letting deadlines and other times get in the way.
Work in Progress: I think this will always be a work in progress. Since my life has changed a little with only running my own business instead of a job that made me miserable everyday in addition to my business, I've been really focusing on this one 

So there you have it... less than 50% success. I've been working on adjusting my goals for 2012 and will post those soon

Happy New Year!!!

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