Tuesday, July 20, 2010

July Loose Ends

Since we head out in less than 2 days, I though I'd update on my July goals!

1) August Calendar: DONE! And the first bit of September is completed as well! Gold Star for me!

2) Get rid of caseless CDs!: I kept the ones I wanted and the rest went to Goodwill!

3) Put pictures up in bedroom: We decided to wait until we got back from Thailand so we can include a picture from there, so fail on this one.

4) Get Thailand itinerary worked out: Funny-not-so-funny story, things changed, but we have 3 nights hotels booked, and we might just backpack and wing it! So semi done?

5) Fill out health care applications (for business): Negative...

6) Work on my field related blog: Not yet...

7) RUN MY TAIL OFF!!!: Darn, a little, not really

8) Organize my iTunes and get more good running songs: Got some songs, made a running playlist. That's as far as I got.

9) Organize the office: DONE! And it is AWESOME :-) We have some little things to put on the walls, but the organization part is so much better. We rearranged which helped a lot

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Money Challenge No More

So my goal of <$750 before I leave on my trip did not happen! It was a combination of things. We decided to reorganize the office since we have more room now, so I bought a bookshelf and some bins for that. I also spent a little more on our anniversary (2 years!) than originally planned, but he's worth it! And finally, I found good deals on flights to the marathon in San Francisco so we booked those along with flights to California for a wedding over Labor Day.

Overall, I'm still keeping it down, just now below $750!

I'll shoot for August then!

Monday, July 5, 2010

July Money Challenge

This month we leave on the 22nd, so I am going to do my <$1000 challenge a little differently. My goal is to keep the credit card purchases under $750. This should be easy. The only difficult part is if I buy my tickets for one of my destination marathons this fall.

Here's to Monday everyone! We ended our 4th with one dog on the porch and the other missing all night. A neighbor found him this morning. I must get a run in today and we have poker night at a friends later. I have a feeling this is going to be one of those really long, but really fast weeks!

Friday, July 2, 2010

July Goals: Cleaning Up Loose Ends

This is a short month for me in some senses. We leave for our big Thailand trip on the 22nd. So I only really have 3 weeks to get everything done this month!

The "theme" this month is tying up loose ends! So without further ado here are some of the loose ends I need to tie up!

1) August Calendar: We get back the 12th, but I still need to get the whole months schedule for my business (and contractors worked out) It's also transition back into the office job time.

2) Get rid of caseless CDs!

3) Put pictures up in bedroom

4) Get Thailand itinerary worked out

5) Fill out health care applications (for business)

6) Work on my field related blog


8) Organize my iTunes and get more good running songs

9) Organize the office

10) PLAY! :-D

June Goal Review

I set some goals for June that were work-life balance based. Let's see how I did!

1) Birthdays: Pass with honors! I rocked this one... this included hiding a giant grill in one of the bedroom closets! My credit card definitely has some side effects though...

2) Following running training plan 25 of 30 days: Fail! Oops... started out pretty good, kept it up in California, then it just fell away. Getting back on that horse for July.

3) Pay $1500 to small mortgage: PASS Still waiting for some work checks, but already put $500. I should be able to accomplish this without any problems

4) $2000 to savings: PASS This will be close... due to all the birthdays. Again, I'm still waiting for some work checks to come in. I will definitely put a $1000 into savings and hopefully the full $2000.

5) Get at least halfway through my online literature class FAIL I did nothing. Doh

1) Read 4 books PASS I think I read at least 6 books! 3 Jodi Picoults, one field related book, The Happiness Project, and I think there was one more somewhere!

2) Go tubing at least once. FAIL but not our fault, for most of the month tubing was closed due to flooding.

3) Go hiking 10 times SEMI PASS We didn't make it 10 times, but I did do 3 great walks with my mom and at least 5 hikes with with bf and dogs.

4) Cook 3 new recipes SEMI PASS I did 2!

5) Play with dogs (walk, fetch out back, etc.) 20 of 25 days: FAIL I probably did closer to half of the days... which is an improvement but still not where I want to be!