Monday, March 1, 2010

March Money!

Despite March being a long month, I am going to attempt the <$1000 on the credit card challenge again!

Here are last month's numbers:

Gas: $126 - this will be higher in march due to work ($200)

Dining Out: $151 - This will probably be the same ($150)

Groceries: $92 - this will likely go up with more days and our stock running low ($150)

Gifts: $214 - this should go way down ($50)

Target: $90 - this should also go down, all I kinda want is rain boots (into Misc for

Misc: $92 - this should go down since I got the purse I needed, for march I'll have $190 not assigned

Phone: $80 - this stays the same ($80)

Gym: $75 - stays the same need to go more! ($75)

Taxes: $81 - no more!

So let's keep it under $1000!

So far I have spent $85 on a gift and some necessary home stuff

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Hope you are doing fine. Seems to be you have tried your luck in recent online contests.

    As You dont have a contact form I am using this comment box.

    We are the developers of iFacelaugh, one of the cool and entertaining app available in the store. We have started a contest to give you away Apple Gift cards worth $100.

    Please refer the following link for more details:

    This contest is open for all. The winner will be selected based on the credits earned. We would be really gratefull if you could showcase this contest in your website as it would be really a great chance for your visitors to win the gifts.

    Please visit our website : for more information about the app.

    Please feel free to get back to us if you have any further queries.

    Best Regards,

    iFaceLaugh Team,


    United States

