Sunday, May 8, 2011

28 Truths to Live By

I turned 28 the other week. 27 was a strange year for me; while there were many times I had a wonderful times, there were also many times of stress, sadness, and even anger. I have been working to feel like myself today and in honor of turning 28, I wrote down 28 Truths to Live By.

Sleep does my body and mind good.
Giving love allows me to be loved.
I need time to myself to re-energize.
I run to be balance.
Reading provides me with a mini vacation; TV does not.
Drinking enough water helps me feel stronger.
Jewelry makes me feel pretty.
Healthy eating energizes me.
Everyday I am capable of being the best me.
Laughter makes life feel easier.
Sometimes it’s okay to enjoy the view instead of climbing higher.
To keep a friend, I need to be a friend.
Water makes me happy.
Clutter clutters my mind.
I am most productive in the morning and my schedule should reflect that.
Remember how much fun it is to be a girlfriend.
It’s okay to say “no” as long as it’s not always to self or loved ones.
Make time for those around you, before they go away.
I do have control of my life.
Working out calms me and is important.
Relaxing does not make me a lazy person.
Swimming is my yoga.
A day is made up of many moments, not just one.
Don’t forget to take pictures.
I can reset once a week, once a day, once an hour. It’s my choice.
I am working of giving and receiving intimacy.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

30 Day Organize-athon Day 1

Although life is still really crazy... there is a bit of light come May and the end of the tunnel is June. In the meantime, I do need to keep some level of organization in my life, or I'll never make it. Enter: The 30 Day Organize-athon at Get Organized Wizard

The purpose is to spent about 5 minutes on a specific area each day in April. Yesterday's challenge was to declutter your living area.  Since it's just me and T at the house, I didn't need to go through everything with a trash bag. I did mainly the "if you have extra time part" which involved taking everything that didn't belong and putting it back where it does belong. I also very quickly vacuumed just the living room. (This is where the dogs mainly hang out, so the carpet is awful.) It needed to be done and the whole thing took me less than 15 minutes....

Now let's see what Day 2 has in store for me!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Goals on Hold...

The past month or so has been tough for me. I'm struggling with feeling like I have any sort of control right now. In February, I spent 245 hours out of the house for work. My mom was in town for 3 days when it didn't work at all. This means that over the remaining 25 days, I was out of the house, on average, 9.8 hours EVERY day. This doesn't count the house I work on things for my business at home, which I would guess it at least 10 hours a week. (Should be more, but as you can see... I don't really have the hours!)

Back to goals... while I'm doing okay on most of them, they just stress me out. They feel like another thing that I have to try and squish into my days. The PsyBlog had an interesting article on The Dark Side of Goal Setting. I know goal setting is important, but I think I'm setting goals that I won't reach...and I really don't need another reason to beat myself up. Right now I need to focus on trying to actually swim a little instead of just treading water.

I am a list and goals type person by nature. So what does that mean for March. My goal for March is to get done things for work the day before they must be. To make some progress on my massive to-do list (which doesn't even touch the goals I set), and to try and abide by the one goal of not working past 8pm (so far I've only worked by 8pm twice this month.)

I spent yesterday mostly in bed feeling mentally crappy. I started to come around by the evening. I have today and tomorrow to just get things done and relax. I'm planning on today being on the more productive side and tomorrow more on the relax side, with a bit of balance on both.

Wish me luck. Happy Monday!

Friday, March 4, 2011

March Goals

I'm still feeling overwhelmed, but I have somewhat of a plan now... more on that later. For now, let's see what I have in store for March.

1) Be intimate 24 of 31 days.

2) Morning stretching routine 21 of 31 days.

3) Floss 21 of 31 days.

4) No work past 8pm.

5) Run 80 miles.

6) Review AIM Modules

7) Go camping

8) Go out with friends 6 times

9) Cook dinner 10 times (T cooks a lot of the time)

10) Breate. (I think this one might be the most important of all!)

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

February Goals Wrap-Up

February was not my best month over, although I was the most social I've been in a while. I'm busy working on my life plan to achieve more balance, but I'm not there yet.

1) Take dogs running or hiking 10 times: 6 times total. Poop.

2) Run 80 miles: 47 Total. Better than I usually do. Still not awesome.

3) Finish taxes: I am going to owe. So I'm in a holding pattern.

4) Do a morning stretching routine at least 18 of 28 days: 15/28 days

5) Be intimate at least 18 of the 28 days: 13/days days. This needs to become a focus.

6) Review AIM Modules: nada...

7) One social outing a week with friends: I went to happy hour with T on Friday, and Thai food and jazz music (by a friend of ours) on Saturday the 12th. This past weekend my mom was in town, so we did things together... not sure if that counts, but it was social! The last weekend of February was a crazy one, which involved me working a ton, Blue Man group, house party, grand opening of a friend's gym, and a comedy show. I think I did great with this goal!!!

8) Schedule a vacation... even a small one: tentatively planning NYC for my birthday... and camping in March. No more progress on that.

9) Finish organizing work materials in spare room: I have decided that this is a very low priority while everything else is crazy right now. This will be a summer project.

10) Have a dinner party: nope

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

3rd Week of February Goals Update

1) Take dogs running or hiking 10 times: 5 times so far...

2) Run 80 miles: Added a marathon!  That's another 26.2 plus I'm counting the mile walk my mom and I did the evening of the marathon. So 45 miles!

3) Finish taxes: I'm just waiting on one thing! (no change)

4) Do a morning stretching routine at least 18 of 28 days: 13 days so far

5) Be intimate at least 18 of the 28 days: 9 days so far ::sad face::

6) Review AIM Modules: nada...

7) One social outing a week with friends: I went to happy hour with T on Friday, and Thai food and jazz music (by a friend of ours) on Saturday the 12th. This past weekend my mom was in town, so we did things together... not sure if that counts, but it was social!

8) Schedule a vacation... even a small one: tentatively planning NYC for my birthday... and camping in March.

9) Finish organizing work materials in spare room: nothing done much to do though

10) Have a dinner party: nope

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2nd Week of February Goals Update

1) Take dogs running or hiking 10 times: 3 times so far... no change

2) Run 80 miles: 18 miles, not quite as excited as last week

3) Finish taxes: I'm just waiting on one thing! (no change)

4) Do a morning stretching routine at least 18 of 28 days: 10 days so far

5) Be intimate at least 18 of the 28 days: 7 days so far

6) Review AIM Modules: nada...

7) One social outing a week with friends: I went to happy hour with T on Friday, and Thai food and jazz music (by a friend of ours) on Saturday!

8) Schedule a vacation... even a small one: tentatively planning NYC for my birthday

9) Finish organizing work materials in spare room: nothing done yet...

10) Have a dinner party: nope

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

1st Week of February Goals Update

1) Take dogs running or hiking 10 times: 3 times so far!

2) Run 80 miles: 16 miles! (so excited)

3) Finish taxes: I'm just waiting on one thing!

4) Do a morning stretching routine at least 18 of 28 days: 5 days so far

5) Be intimate at least 18 of the 28 days: 3 days so far

6) Review AIM Modules: nada...

7) One social outing a week with friends: This week we went to a Super Bowl Party and has a blast!

8) Schedule a vacation... even a small one: not yet...

9) Finish organizing work materials in spare room: nothing done yet...

10) Have a dinner party: nope

Friday, February 4, 2011

Snow Day!

We have a snow day today!  (Texas is not equipped to handle any amount of snow, much to my amusement.)

I'm going to try and use the day to my advantage
1) Plow through my to do
2) Spend some 1 on 1 time with my guy
3) Get in a workout
4) Relax!

What do you do on your snow days?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

February 2011 Goals

Some of these goals are leftover from last month; others are new:

1) Take dogs running or hiking 10 times

2) Run 80 miles

3) Finish taxes

4) Do a morning stretching routine at least 18 of 28 days

5) Be intimate at least 18 of the 28 days.

6) Review AIM Modules

7) One social outing a week with friends

8) Schedule a vacation... even a small one

9) Finish organizing work materials in spare room

10) Have a dinner party


January 2011 Goal Review

It's February 1st and I'm working on finalizing my 10 monthly goals. Some of these are going to be goals that I did not accomplish in January. Here's how January ended up:

#1 - Host two parties at home: I had one party... allergies knocked me out so horribly this month

#2 - Run 3 days a week, strength train 2 days a week: Once again... allergies killed me, but I still managed to PR on my half marathon this past weekend!

#3 - Less than $700 on the credit card (minus the cost of windows): If you take out the extra gift I bought my mom, I am under $700... I am quite happy about this one. I even had an extra splurge or two and still semi-made it.

#4 - Read 2 books: Yes!  I read The Help and The Abstinence Teacher

#5 - Be intimate >= 20 days: :-( I managed 12 days... while I have excuses, I really shouldn't get excuses.

#6 - 1 coffeeshop personal time per week: I did make it twice to get work done, but not really for personal time... 

#7 - Have taxes mostly done: I've kept up as much as I can!

#8 - Take dogs running or hiking 10 times: Just twice... darn.

#9 - Review AIM modules: Negative... I need to get on this!

#10 - Volunteers (my friends and I are trying to volunteer 1 time per month at a different place each month): Did not happen... I tried to sign up for some CPR training (as the trainer) but others had already taken the slots I had. I did do some free babysitting for a friend of T's. So semi-credit.

So even being generous with myself, I only managed 4/10 goals. I need to keep focusing on this! Do I need to be more serious with myself? Or more realistic?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Investing in Myself?

I had my credit card budget set at $700...then moved it close to $800-850 since I bought my mom an extra birthday gift that was $250.

Yesterday, after my last personal training, we found out they were offering a 20% off deal, but you had to buy at least 12 sessions. So my friend and I talked about it and decided we should do that and spread them out over 6 months. With us splitting, they are $22 each an hour. If we can bring a 3rd friend, then it is split 3 ways.

So there is a nice $528 charge on my card, but I'm going to keep track of it when I "actually" spend the money (i.e. personal training). That wont' start until February.

Am I tricking myself? Or do you understand my logic?!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Allergies, Cold, and Goal Review

Despite a great first week of 2011, allergies hit me, and I think a good ole cold as well. The remaining two weeks have been miserable. 

This week I finally was able to get sufficient sleep to feel semi-okay, and went out for an evening jog on Thursday. I ended up doing 3 miles at a 9:47 pace which was exciting for me. Yesterday, I went for a short little over 2 miles at a leisurely pace. Then I came home, showered, and fell asleep. :-(

Having no energy is tough... I have a half marathon in one week. Oh boy. I'm not expecting to PR; I just want to make it through.

My friend and I are supposed to have the final personal training today. I did 4 of the 9 sessions with her... it was a nice kick in the butt to do more strength training. I also need to do more stretching.

#1 - Host two parties at home: We had our first one: our book exchange club. It was small but fun. 

#2 - Run 3 days a week, strength train 2 days a week: I've done 2 runs, and I'm going to the gym for strength today. So halfway... 

#3 - Less than $700 on the credit card (minus the cost of windows): I'm just over $610... This is going to be really tough with that unexpected $250, but I'm still trying. If I keep it under $800 I will still consider it a success.

#4 - Read 2 books: One book done, second, third, and forth books all started!  Haha

#5 - Be intimate >= 20 days: I'm only at 8... no progress. How sad :-( We were both sick this week and sleeping habits were all sorts of off. 

#6 - 1 coffeeshop personal time per week: Still not... but I am finding time to make tea and read at home.

#7 - Have taxes mostly done: I am keeping up with this still...just waiting on forms.

#8 - Take dogs running or hiking 10 times: 1 time!  3 milers with my lab, and a little cool down walk with the shepard.

#9 - Review AIM modules: No progress since last week.

#10 - Volunteers (my friends and I are trying to volunteer 1 time per month at a different place each month): Scheduling seems to make it tough this month... and feeling so blah. 

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Second Week of January Update

Perhaps what I thought was allergies was more of a cold. I have been zapped of energy, which make it hard to do anything after work. But I still tried to make some progress!

#1 - Host two parties at home: We have the 1st one scheduled. I think the second one might be a smaller dinner party with just a couple of friends.

#2 - Run 3 days a week, strength train 2 days a week: This did not happen this week at all, due to feeling awful each day.

#3 - Less than $700 on the credit card (minus the cost of windows): I'm just over $500... This is going to be really tough with that unexpected $250, but I'm still trying. If I keep it under $800 I will still consider it a success.

#4 - Read 2 books: One book done, second book picked out. It is a field related book that I want to review on my business blog.

#5 - Be intimate >= 20 days: I'm only at 8... being sick puts a damper on these things :-(

#6 - 1 coffeeshop personal time per week: doh, not yet, but I need it!!!

#7 - Have taxes mostly done: I am keeping up with this. Each new form I get I enter in right away!

#8 - Take dogs running or hiking 10 times: Negative... freezing temps, and rain have deterred this one

#9 - Review AIM modules: No progress since last week.

#10 - Volunteers (my friends and I are trying to volunteer 1 time per month at a different place each month): Not technically... I did babysit a 3 month old last night so the mom could pick up an extra shift. I didn't charge them anything. T said that could count, but I still want to do something else!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

First Week of January Update

So how I have done on my goals?  Not too shabby actually!  I would have done worse if my allergies weren't so bad. The two that really bother me decided to attack at the same time, which means I am foggy-headed and sneezing all the time right now. It's supposed to rain and lower the allergy count starting tonight.

Here is my goal review so far:
#1 - Host two parties at home: My book exchange club cohost and I are trying to get a date set...

#2 - Run 3 days a week, strength train 2 days a week: I have been to the gym 5 of the last 7 days, 2 runs, 1 walk/run, one bike, 2 strength days... yay!

#3 - Less than $700 on the credit card (minus the cost of windows): I'm just under $300 and that included an extra late $250 Christmas gift for my mom. :-) Cause she's awesome

#4 - Read 2 books: I finished The Help :-) The book is awesome.

#5 - Be intimate >=20 days: 5/7 days so far... looking good ;-)

#6 - 1 coffeeshop personal time per week: Not yet...

#7 - Have taxes mostly done: I have done as much as I can without any tax forms back (i've entered business income, and ordered 1099s)

#8 - Take dogs running or hiking 10 times: 0/10... with allergies right now, I can only exercise inside.

#9 - Review AIM modules: there are around 30 total... I've looked through 3

#10 - Volunteers (my friends and I are trying to volunteer 1 time per month at a different place each month): I have emailed my friends, but that's as far as I have gotten.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

One Word Resolution

Over at Gretchen Rubin's The Happiness Project, she explained the idea of a one word resolution or theme for the year.

My guy and I were talking about this, and decided we would have our own individuals goals, but pick a one word goal for us as a couple.


More specifically, we want an Intimacy Challenge, a Fitness Challenge, and a Financial Challenge.

I've got a calendar ready to check things off each day!  Here we go! :-)  (And on that note, we are off to the gym!)

Saturday, January 1, 2011

January 2011 Goals

So each month, I am planning to have 10 more detailed goals that at least semi-align with my year long goals. There may be some others thrown in as well.

#1 - Host two parties at home

#2 - Run 3 days a week, strength train 2 days a week

#3 - Less than $700 on the credit card (minus the cost of windows)

#4 - Read 2 books

#5 - Be intimate >= 20 days

#6 - 1 coffeeshop personal time per week

#7 - Have taxes mostly done

#8 - Take dogs running or hiking 10 times

#9 - Review AIM modules

#10 - Volunteers (my friends and I are trying to volunteer 1 time per month at a different place each month)