Tuesday, June 8, 2010

2010 Goals Update Part 3

And for the final two goals. These were a bit more complex...

Goal #9: Streamline My Work : B
Personal business, I am getting better as staying on top of things. I have a plan to have one of my contractors take on a bigger role, and T set me up with a billing software. I have semi organized paperwork, but I still need to work on that. I have a good idea of where I want my business to go, but I need to hammer out a more detailed plan.

Office work is chaos but not too bad. I organized a bunch of files, and I feel pretty good about things for next year. I need to get in there a little before school just so I feel ahead of things. I have a list of things to get running on as soon as the year starts again.

However, I still have a long way to go before I feel like either is a well-oiled machine!

Goal #10: Organize My Life : C+

Two steps forward, one step back, fall asleep and forget to move at all. I think that adequately describes how I feel about this goal.

The sub-goal to not work past 7:30pm comes and goes. Overall, I have been doing better, but then I'll get super overwhelmed and be up half the night.

Being early. Gosh I want to accomplish this one, but I'm so bad about it. I think I need to just keep a book with me at all times, and take those few minutes as personal time. I'm looking into getting a Kindle... so that would help!

Gathering Goodwill and trash... I think I did the best on this one! I almost constantly have a Goodwill pile going, and I'm on a missing to clean out. I scanned a ton of articles from graduate school, so I don't have to keep the paper versions anymore. I'm on a minimizing kick! T is also starting to join the bandwagon.

Processing incoming papers. I am getting better at this. I try to sort my inbox about once a month now, but I still need to figure out a more permanent solution.

So there are all my goals so far. Wish me luck!!!

2010 Goals Update Part 2

Without further ado, goals #5-#8

Goal #5: Wear More Jewelry : B+
I have really made a conscious effort on this one! I am trying to find fun jewelry that goes along with what I am wearing. I also organized my jewelry which makes this much easier. I do default to my favorite when life gets busy, but I think that's reasonable.

Goal #6: Increase Engagement with T : C+
::Sigh:: This should be my main priority, but life just seems to get in the way. I am trying, I'm just not very successful yet. :-( However, I am constantly thinking about this and with the roomies gone, we have much more time to ourselves which helps.

Goal #7: Be More Social : B-
We started up our Sunday BBQ's again. I finally made it scrapbooking again with girlfriends. Happy hours are harder, but when I have a cancellation, I've tried to sneak in meeting a friend for coffee or something similar. I need to make a list of those I must get together with so I don't like time take over!

Goal #8: Save Money : B+
So far I have already paid for my flight and T's, so that should be only ~$500-1000 max more for me for our big trip this summer.

Even assuming $1000, that still leave me with $2000 in savings. Not quite 3 months income, but it will get there.

I have had 3 months so far keeping expenditures under $1000: February, March, and May. Right on track!

My small mortgage is down to $2500. That will be paid off this summer!

2010 Goal Review Part 1

Here is review of my 2010 goals. This will be split into 3 posts. Please leave comments and feedback!

Goal #1: Spend More Time With Dogs : D+
Overall, I failed at this one. Since the roomies moved out I have made much more of a conscious effort to spend some time with them each day. Usually we go outside and play quasi-fetch! Hopefully, we'll start getting more walks in too. In May I took them on a few runs with me as well.

Goal #2: Pay off House Debt to Mom (by April) : A!
I paid this debt off in March! I am continuing to make monthly payments for student loans as well. Hopefully I will up those in the fall.

Goal #3: Get in Better Shape : C+
While I did try to run more, it was sporadic at best. Going gluten-free did help, but that wasn't enough. T and I made a habit of going to yoga once a week at the gym (a strength training based yoga). Overall, I need to establish a more consistent routine for getting in shape.

Goal #4: Explore More Foods : C
We have been cooking more variety of foods, but do fall back on the old standards. Going gluten free has increased my food variety and exploration some! I am trying to focus on this one more this summer, since we finally have the house to ourselves. Going out to eat we didn't do well... we need to find new restaurants!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June Goals: Work-Life Balance

One of my major focuses this year is achieving a better Work-Life Balance. To honor that goal, this month's goals are separated into "Work" type goals and "Life" type goals. Feedback is welcome!

1) Birthday: brother, mom, and T's. His is the big one for I need to figure out my plan of attack and execute. Luckily, I have until the end of the month!

2) Following running training plan 25 of 30 days

3) Pay $1500 to small mortgage

4) $2000 to savings

5) Get at least halfway through my online literature class

1) Read 4 books (I started one last night, but that counts in June! I only read a chapter!)

2) Go tubing at least once. Yay summer!

3) Go hiking 10 times

4) Cook 3 new recipes

5) Play with dogs (walk, fetch out back, etc.) 20 of 25 days

Look for a update on my year long goals as well as information on some big changes at my house happening today in fact!